Monday, November 7, 2016

Above is a watercolor I created for the book cover project I was assigned in my Illustration class. The project was that we had to choose a book to redesign it's cover and assemble the new cover onto the book itself. I picked the classic Secret Garden but wished that I picked something a little more contemporary. The reason behind this is that the Secret Garden has been illustrated hundreds of times and half of them show this exact scene of the girl and the door. I had a lot of fun making this image but once I inserted it with the rest of the cover on the computer, it looked unfinished. I spent too long on this single illustration that I did not really consider the rest of the book. As I printed out the final, the cover not only looked unfinished but a tad cliche. If I could change anything it would be that instead of completing this cover in traditional and non traditional mediums I would have done it entirely traditional. 

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