Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Above are a couple of illustrations that I took from my sketchbook that I thought were the most successful or interesting. All these pictures were made using a black ink brush pen that was waterproof so that I am able to add watercolor later if I like. The illustration with the plants at the top, I made originally as a study which lead me to play around with the composition by adding more elements. The Second piece from the top is drawn from imagination and observation. I would go out and sit at a coffee shop and basically people watch. When there was an interesting character walking by I would make up a story of why they are there and then try to make a caricature of them. For the overall page, I tried to fill up the space as best as I could with subjects as well as fill. What I mean by fill is by giving the clothes texture, pattern or some sort of gradient so that its not just black outline. This could help in telling the character's story. The bottom illustration of the llama is probably my favorite because it was a doodle that turned out looking like a finished illustration. 

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