Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Irish Fest Poster Contest

For Illustration II we had to make designs for this summer's Irish Fest. One design from my class will be chosen to be printed. This process has been nerve wracking for me because not only would it be cool to see people buying my poster but I also felt that I had to make my ancestors proud. So throughout this process, we had several mock ups of the poster and we would get feedback from somebody who is involved with the festival. I don't actually know who has been giving me feedback we just call them Irish Fest people. I always imagined these people sitting at a large round table in a dark room with our posters on a projection screen. But its probably nothing like that at all.

This was my tight, rough sketch that I sent in for the first critique. I wasn't planning on having the 'globe' in the center of this poster but my instructor told me it would make the piece stronger. That is because this year's theme for Irish Fest is 'Celtic World' so anything with globes gives the poster better chances of winning. This is the same with icons from Milwaukee or the festival itself. The judges love that in the poster.  The feedback for my poster was that it looked unfinished, there are no sheep at Irish Fest and that the poster needed to be more 'festive' but they liked the boarder. I thought it was weird that they didn't like the sheep because my impression was that Ireland was covered in sheep. 

I decided to make my poster look more 'finished' I would re-create it in  Adobe Illustrator.

For my near final product, I changed almost everything. I made the instruments each by hand and scanned them into Illustrator where I image traced them and colored them. The same was done to the wolfhound. I drew him three times to get it right and then scanned him in. The knots on the sides were surprisingly easy. I just pen tooled one set and played with the copy and paste button. The lines I also did by hand and scanned in. This was supposed to be sent in for the final but we were granted on last critique. This was when people started to be cut. I made it to the top two. 

When I was given this news, I got even more feedback from the judges to make little changes. They wanted the globe in the center to show more North America.

So right now I can't do anything but wait. I may or may not win this contest. If I do, I will be presented a check of $800 and will be signing posters on one of the days of Irish Fest. If I don't, nothing will happen. It's only me and one other poster and I have to admit the other poster is really good too. 

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