Wednesday, July 12, 2017

This is an inside look at some of the spreads of The Fisherman

the Fisherman

Last semester I took a picture book class that gave me the opportunity to create my very own picture book. This process started with us writing and reading our manuscripts to the class as if it were story time. Next, we did concept art and a story board for how we envisioned the book to pan out. Following, we created tight sketches of each page that we eventually made into finished art work. My book is 8.5" x 11" and was done in watercolor. My story is about a fisherman who never catches a fish but was too stubborn to give up. I finished my book and now I'm in the process of trying to get it published. My hope is that this project could could get my foot in the door of the illustrating industry. Until then, anybody can purchase their own copy of The Fisherman on Lulu. Here is the link:  

This summer I have picked up face painting which is a lot of fun. My painting skills have definitely improved because of this. Th...